Jugglers Floor at Circus Day Nursery...
“It is becoming increasingly clear through research on the brain, as well as in other areas of study, that childhood needs play. Play acts as a forward feed mechanism into courageous, creative, rigorous thinking in adulthood.” ~ Tina Bruce (Professor, London Metropolitan University)
A child’s next step at Circus is the Jugglers Floor – where the possibilities are as wide as the children’s imaginations. During this time language development is key as children learn to express themselves with words more and more. Working with children to build their vocabularies is something our staff are highly skilled at promoting using singing and stories. We want children to feel comfortable expressing their needs to minimise frustrations and help regulate their emotions both at nursery and at home.
Children are encouraged to discover and engage in a wide variety of activities that develop their knowledge and understanding. Innovative child initiated activities take place through play in a safe setting in conjunction with our expert staff, including junk modeling, clay modeling, cookery, music and much, much, more.
A quiet area allows for more passive activities to occur. Children can concentrate on reading, more subdued play or just take time to relax. The opportunity to be outside in the garden enables our Jugglers to explore and develop in all the areas that we provide for example our raised beds for growing produce, our natural world area and our secret garden.
At approximately two to two and a half years of age a “two year progress check” is carried out by the key-worker using their knowledge and understanding of your child’s development. This is shared with you on “Tapestry” our online learning journey for your child.
The staff on this floor do an excellent job preparing children to move up to Pre-School, this includes potty training which we are more than happy to embark on soon as you feel your child is ready. By now, if a child has been with Circus from the beginning of their nursery experience, the child and parents will be accustomed to the transition to a new floor through our ‘taster’ sessions. Jugglers floor children will periodically visit the children and staff in pre-school before the move.